The stone walls

Parallel horizons between sky and sea

by Guido Conti

Since we were children we had to learn to weigh stones with bare hands. It was a work of precision, order and harmony, an art handed down from generation to generation by men who could neither read nor write, but were well aware of Beauty. Stones torn off the ground to make it cultivable, walls dividing proprieties, marking boundaries, defying time and wind that lightly touches the island rocks. Parallel horizons between sky and sea. This is the way the walls accompanying our journey along the streets of this wonderful island were born, a sign of resistance to nature, symbol and identity of our Mediterranean culture. Today, they are the archeology of a lost world that will outlive us.


Taste & Knowledge

Voci da Favignana
by Umberto Rizza
Landscapes and tastings
by Guido Conti
A different view
by Manuela Soressi